Make your content perfect for both people
and search engines

Choose how many pages per month you need to check for content quality and
search optimization. Upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time you need.

50 pages per month
per month
100 pages per month
per month
200 pages per month
per month
300 pages per month
per month
400 pages per month
per month
500 pages per month
per month
1000 pages per month
per month
2000 pages per month
per month
3000 pages per month
per month
4000 pages per month
per month
5000 pages per month
per month
50 pages per month
per year
100 pages per month
per year
200 pages per month
per year
300 pages per month
per year
400 pages per month
per year
500 pages per month
per year
1000 pages per month
per year
2000 pages per month
per year
3000 pages per month
per year
4000 pages per month
per year
5000 pages per month
per year


8 Languages
Content optimization tools are available in the folowing languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Sweden.
Keyword density checker
Less is more. Discover what keywords are overused in your content and get suggestion in real time.
Article rewriter
FInd out which words need to be replaced to express your ideas clearly and SEO-friendly. The next step is observe how your organic trafic is growing.
10k words per check
Analyze up to 10 000 words per checking in any tariff plans. Create unique and high-quality content.
Grammar checker
Check your content for grammar mistakes before posting. Ensure you write clear and polished.
Real-time editing
Be confident in your content even if you are in rush. Check and correct your errors on the go.
Competitor analysis
Up-level your text to compare it with Top-10 competitors. Get the full picture in keyword research report.
Plagiarism checker
Make sure your work is original and plagirism won’t hold you from ranking.
Keyword research tool
Reach your audience with the right keywords and boost your growth.
Automatic task-generator
Get an automatically generated task for copywriters with keyword list and requirements to content structure.
Custom tasks
Customize your requirements to meta tags and keywords while creating a technical task for copywriters.
Report export
Download document with all errors and suggestions that you have found just in one ckick.

Frequently Asked Questions

What payment methods are available on the site?

At the moment, the subscription can be paid by PayPal and Mastercard or Visa credit cards.

Will my subscription automatically renew?

Yes. Every month, our payment provider PayPal will attempt to take payment from you, unless you cancel your subscription before this point. You can cancel at any time, and there is no minimum term.