Duplicate Content Checker

Must have tool for students, copywriters, site owners, bloggers and SEO experts.
We cover plagiarism, grammar, readability and keyword stuffing issues.

Incorrect page link

Paste your URL

Write or insert URL content of which you want to check for plagiarism.

Get plagiarism report

Our tool compares content on your page with other content on the web. You can see what URLs have content similar to yours and by what percentage.

Fix duplicate content

Both people and search engines love unique content. Rewrite paragraphs, sentences or phrases those are duplicate.

Publish updated text

Publish rewritten SEO optimized content on the page and monitor how your impressions and clicks are changed after update.

What’s inside?

Duplicate content detector

Google loves plagiarism-free content. Copywritely detects plagiarism with deep searching algorithms looking for matching fragments on billions of websites.

Navigator by sources

Use navigation at the right to research sources of similar content. These URLs also can become a great channel of ideas for your content strategy.

Online text editor

Online editor helps to rewrite parts of the content those are duplicated or have readability, keyword stuffing and grammar issues. After rewriting recheck text once to make sure you will publish perfect content.


What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is a steal and subsequent publication of content created by somebody else pretending that the material is your own. Even though such practice is unacceptable, it has been commonly used by students. However, nowadays, with the big number of various plagiarism checking software, it is next to impossible to copy something and submit the work as if it is your own. For students, it may result in a failing grade, for your website – it may have far more devastating consequences.

Even though plagiarism is not a crime, it has a lot in common with the copyright law, and infringement of the latter may have even more drastic consequences than plagiarism. Most organizations have zero tolerance towards plagiarism, so it is worth avoiding it with the help of plagiarism detector.

How plagiarism affects SEO?

When it comes to SEO, plagiarism has more dangerous consequences for your website. First of all, web pages with stolen content simply get blacklisted by Google and other engines, so such page will be impossible to find. As an SEO specialist, your main goal is to boost the rank of your website, and one of the common methods of achieving this is to post only unique content with enough word count. So, you will have to polish the materials to ensure they are totally unique before publishing them.

How to use plagiarism checker?

As it has already been mentioned, you can make use of plagiarism checker to eliminate the risk of publishing unoriginal material. This comes extremely handy when the content for your website is written by somebody else, and you need to check whether such text is worth the money you paid for it.

Also, the software checks line by line, so its results are pretty precise. As soon as the process is finished, you will see how much copied material is there if any.

Another case when such software can be vital is when you write articles based on materials published elsewhere. In this instance, you should make sure that your article is 100% unique as search engines simply love it. Of course, it may be challenging to compose a totally unique material from the first try, but you should keep editing until it is entirely original, for your own good.

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